Krover Travel Insurance
Disciplines: Art Direction, Brand Identity, Brand Management, Brand Design, Brand Development, Brand Guidelines, Brand Strategy, Concept and Research, Design Strategy, Digital Design, Iconography, Illustrations, Logo Design, Merchandise, Motion Design, Onboarding Design, Print, Typography, UI Design, Visual Design, Web Design Layout, Wireframing
Over time, insurance companies have become stale by adopting the mantra of saving money. They've bombarded audiences with percentages and dollar amounts indicating how much they'll save by choosing them. The focus has shifted away from the actual assets they claim to protect. Krover wanted to get back to basics and provide their audience with peace of mind while traveling. Their clients consisted of those who wanted to capture the full experience and preserve the moments of traveling. By doing so, they often brought with them expensive equipment that would be costly to replace. Krover’s job was to protect those items and relieve their clients of their worries. They avoided jargon and a corporate tone in favor of a more open and transparent approach to their services. The vibrant palette and eccentric imagery provided assurance to their clients. From lift off to landing, Krover has their back.